Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Monday, April 28, 2008
Research Project Calculator
I did finally use this in my Spanish classes. We looked at the RPC and also at the one the U of MN has out there. Kids liked it but not necessarily for my class. But it started me thinking, 'How could I make it work for me?' We don't do heavy research, at least not until more language is learned. So I used the Step 1, 2, 3 , etc approach and the same titles for the steps but changed what is due each day.
For example:
STEP 1) Understand your assignment-By Friday April 11, 2008 Decide if you will work alone or with a partner.
STEP 2) Select and focus topic-By Monday April 14, 2008 Refine your topic, start picking verbs to use. (p.27) Decide if you will use tú, Ud. or Uds. REMEMBER YOU MUST BE CONSISTENT!
STEP 3) How are you going to present?-By Monday April 14, 2008 Poster, video, food, props, class participation; What will you need? Make a list.
Well you get the idea. My procrastinators said it helped them get started and keep going. They may not have used it all the way through but it did help in the beginning. I am going to try it again with Spanish 1.
The project was to present to the class a demonstration using command forms and involve the class. There were other parameters and obligatory elements.
For example:
STEP 1) Understand your assignment-By Friday April 11, 2008 Decide if you will work alone or with a partner.
STEP 2) Select and focus topic-By Monday April 14, 2008 Refine your topic, start picking verbs to use. (p.27) Decide if you will use tú, Ud. or Uds. REMEMBER YOU MUST BE CONSISTENT!
STEP 3) How are you going to present?-By Monday April 14, 2008 Poster, video, food, props, class participation; What will you need? Make a list.
Well you get the idea. My procrastinators said it helped them get started and keep going. They may not have used it all the way through but it did help in the beginning. I am going to try it again with Spanish 1.
The project was to present to the class a demonstration using command forms and involve the class. There were other parameters and obligatory elements.
Entering the 21st century
That's what I feel like since I now have signed on for a DSL hook up at home. I have received free dial up from the U of MN. forever, well at least since 1994 (give or take a year or two-the memory does fade a bit over time). Then in Dec. 2007 the U decided to end dial up service for anyone not living on campus. I was traumatized. I couldn't make the jump to paying for Hi-speed hook up. So $11.00 for dial-up was my baby step. Then to DSL. But what trouble it has been. Not with the MacBook which, of course, comes equipped with a wireless modem; but with my Dell at home. It is too old to be ready for that, only 4 years, so first I bought the 50' cable because my computer is not by the phone jack. I decided, no way did I want that cord laying across the floor. Then it was way too much trouble putting in the wireless software. It didn't work and when I called the manufacturer tech help told me the version I bought was too old and I needed to download a newer version from their website on the web. Crazy I thought, since I wasn't hooked up. So I will move my computer desk closer to the phone jack and buy a DSL cord or drill a hole in the wall. My other choice was to have another phone jack put in by having them staple wires to the siding on the house.
Well I am glad to have the hi-speed at home since I like to look through United Streaming for videos I can use and also for websites that deal with Spanish grammar. So it will be helpful next year especially.
Well I am glad to have the hi-speed at home since I like to look through United Streaming for videos I can use and also for websites that deal with Spanish grammar. So it will be helpful next year especially.
Thursday, April 24, 2008
Still searching...
...for my one new thing. I started with Rubistar4Teachers and looked at the site in Spanish. That has some interesting possibilities, but I don't know if that is truly new. Then I checked out QuizStar but it costs $$$. On to TrackStar, which I have used in the past-and it is different today. I didn't like it and moved on. I checked out a side ad for busting belly fat, something I know I could use on occasion, and was linked to an ad about a Diet Generator or Calculator. After a couple of pages I discovered that too cost $$$$$. So I am still searching for my one new thing.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Podcasts, and stuff
Very useful info at the last meeting! I am going to explore podcasts for possible future use. I personally employed the slide show comparing this year to learning how to snowboard. The learning curve was steep but once I acquired a few skills it has leveled out and I don't receive as many painful reminders of my ignorance in the field and fall on my face as often, although on occasion it still happens.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
United Streaming
I am endlessly amazed how I can use united streaming to review grammar. Instead of listening to me again the students can be amused by a video clip. For me this is good stuff! Looking back I noticed how much shorter my blogs are becoming. I guess my brain is wearing out and running down as the year goes on. Sorry:)
Too bad!
This initiative will change. It has been good for me to learn about technology and literacy even if I don't use it all right away. I am storing it for future reference. Some of it I am using this year when it makes sense to insert it into a project. Too often literacy seems to take a back seat to technology. I know it has given some of my Spanish projects depth that they didn't have in a different way.
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Research project calculator
I am now at the point where the calculator will be useful for a project my students will be doing after spring break. I plan on having the class use it together with the projector, as we calculate the time it will take them to complete a project using the recipes we collected before. They may decide to take off in a different direction and that will have to be factored in. But we will do it together. They will need to collect information. Decide how to present it. Prepare the material and practice. Then do the presentation.
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Del.icio.us and useful
This last session introduced a delectable tool I thought might be useful in the future. I liked it's feature about collecting bookmarks on the web and not having to access them through my personal computer. The hot hits are questionable but I will have to do further research before I can render a final judgment on their usefulness for my classes. I also liked the productivity tools available through google and would consider using them if I find myself in a situation where I need to share a document or don't have access to my own computer once again. Some things to file away and retrieve at the right moment....
Friday, March 7, 2008
Urban Planet
We had a session on Urban Planet at school, that was billed as learning about how to use Urban Planet to make a web page. I was so hopeful that I could continue developing mine and adding information. We learned nothing. We looked at Harding's and at an elementary school web page and not much else. 20 minutes later it was over. I still intend to add to mine the question is when, I am lucky I remember how to enter the admin site but that is only because I have it written down.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
I should add (and feel I neglected) some details.....
....with Comic Life. Many of my students did quite a bit of internet research and had to discover the best ways to find images. Those that needed certain images had to figure out how to refine their search with either google or another search engine or a way to expedite the whole process so their project could go forward quickly since we had the computers for a limited amount of time. I learned many things watching them and assisting. Once students found what they were looking for everything ran much smoother and they (as well as I) learned to keep track of what they were doing and where on the internet.
ELM resources
Adding more things to read from ELM, hmmmmm I don't know how useful this was. I quit receiving 3 professional second language publications because I don't have time to read them and they became repetitive. So since I couldn't think of anything I really wanted to receive info on, I elected to try second language acquisition again. But I really don't want that either. If I wanted info, Elm might be useful, but at this point in time I don't know. When I need something I will have forgotten how to use it I am sure.
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Spreading the word!
I have been showing off my students' Comic Life projects to various teachers in the building who I think could use the program. The projects aren't perfect but what student work ever is? It was my first time as well as theirs theirs and well worth the effort. A few students did iMovie and that is a different animal. I think more time was necessary for completion since my students didn't know the program to start and neither did I. It is a more difficult program. I was able to learn Comic Life fairly quickly. The Japanese teacher definitely, with Manga being a big theme, liked it. An English teacher with a graphic novel unit in 10th grade was very interested and is considering signing up for the computer carts. I am interested in having some Macs with Comic Life for my use at any time because I can see using Comic Life for lots of different writing projects in Spanish, for the various levels. I am exploring different grant options to snag a few.
Monday, February 11, 2008
Searching with google en español
Very easy! Enter recetas-recipes-in the search line and millions of hits in Spanish and English show up. This is my next endeavor with Spanish 3. So in this case google is the best bet. But I will ask them to try the St. Paul resources because there is a great data base also with a collection of recipes that highlight the 3 verb forms different countries use to present recipes-infinitive, command, and passive voice. It will be easy for them to find sources but for them to find something they want to use will be the key. It should be a fun unit.
Friday, February 8, 2008
How is that project going?
Well, as with any new project I am discovering how I could have done more planning to make the project run smoother. Many, many kudos to Leslie who suggested it and helped make it possible. Most of my students have enjoyed the process of working on computers, rather than paper and pencil or markers. Students who have finished in the two weeks alloted were those who used their time well and did not set their bar too high. I found I also had to revise my bar-not necessarily lower but become more realistic with what is possible with comic life versus iMovie. Too much writing ruins Comic Life, but there is a way to write and not be overly simplistic. iMovie, if dialog is involved, will by it's very nature involve more speech so more writing is involved. The technology has been irritating at times but we, my students and myself have become problem solvers extraordinare!!!!!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Life got in the way....
...of my blogs. I think I am a few behind, because of my daughter. She decided to be married in Edinburgh, Scotland in the Castle in St. Margaret's Chapel on Jan. 13th, 2008. So my technology use came to an abrupt halt on the 10th through the 15th and really I was in a fog for quite awhile, since shortly after I came back I contracted a cold. Things about technology in Scotland-not as many people walk around with cell phones attached to their ears or ipods either. I don't know if it is a money thing and they are too expensive or what. Many people buy pay as you go cell phones instead of monthly deals from companies as we do here, so that may cut down a bit on the talking. Instead of ipods young folks were talking to their friends in the streets, at least where I was, but I wasn't amongst many teens and didn't have time to check into local high schools to see for sure. I was impressed with the lack of swearing at a soccer game-people were escorted out of the game if they swore too loudly-and the fact that everyone watched and no one got up to buy beer or use the bathroom and thus we could all have an unobstructed view of the game. New concept! But I admit to having a wee bit of something to warm up at times while I was there because it was a bit chilly and damp at night.
Monday, January 28, 2008
It's been awhile
My Spanish 3 students are busy working on projects involving Comic Life or ¡Movie. As Leslie has been showing them possibilities, I see their interest growing. Some have been changing their idea of what their project should be as well as I have. Since I had never worked with either program before in a classroom, just fooled around with them a bit on the MacBook, I had no idea what I should require of them. I now know a bit more how much they can accomplish successfully in a 2 week time frame. More kids are interested in utilizing Comic Life. I can't wait to see the results!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Kids know more and learn fast....
....but ya'll know that. My students will be working with ¡Movie and Comic Life in a couple of weeks. Today some of them used my MacBook to explore these 2 programs to see how they work. They explored editing with ¡Movie and transitions too. Comic Life was a bit more challenging but the students made more progress than I did in less time. So I will be learning from them.
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
The Clicker
I have been working on mastering the clicker with videos and have been somewhat successful. So far I understand how to use it with the videos I use for Spanish classes. I tell my students as soon as I will have all the technology mastered, they will be gone. I stumble through trying to make it all work. But they are truly patient with me and quite helpful. I have been feeling (and stumbling) my way through the various technology available with these wonderful devices. I'll have to check out the LCD clicker next although I think the laptop clicker does more with different programs.
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
¿Qué hay de nuevo?
What's new? Well I explored Comic Life a bit over break. I want my Spanish 3 students to use it or ¡Movie. I played with the controller for the computer and can do a bit with it. I figured out how ¡Photo works in conjunction with Photo Booth. This computer does all kinds of things. I wish I was more of a computer geek!
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