Thursday, September 27, 2007

3rd blog

Okay so this is my 3rd blog for real! I figured out how to show a video (DVD) using the LCD projector and computer. I bought speakers and a wireless mouse and locks. So I am set up to go in the classroom. My Spanish 3 students will have access to it if they want to use it for more research for their tour project. One student is thinking about doing a power point presentation, we'll see how that goes. I also anticipate letting them use it to look up words on an online Span/Eng dictionary. Those are my baby steps. I wonder if it is possible by 2nd trimester to have my students blog? I can see potential for it in Spanish.....hmmmmmmmmmmmm


Linda said...

I need a mouse too -- can't stand those little pad deals. Sounds like you're ready to go.

Anonymous said...

I will look forward to your Spanish students blogging--but I will need translation!