Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Life got in the way....

...of my blogs. I think I am a few behind, because of my daughter. She decided to be married in Edinburgh, Scotland in the Castle in St. Margaret's Chapel on Jan. 13th, 2008. So my technology use came to an abrupt halt on the 10th through the 15th and really I was in a fog for quite awhile, since shortly after I came back I contracted a cold. Things about technology in Scotland-not as many people walk around with cell phones attached to their ears or ipods either. I don't know if it is a money thing and they are too expensive or what. Many people buy pay as you go cell phones instead of monthly deals from companies as we do here, so that may cut down a bit on the talking. Instead of ipods young folks were talking to their friends in the streets, at least where I was, but I wasn't amongst many teens and didn't have time to check into local high schools to see for sure. I was impressed with the lack of swearing at a soccer game-people were escorted out of the game if they swore too loudly-and the fact that everyone watched and no one got up to buy beer or use the bathroom and thus we could all have an unobstructed view of the game. New concept! But I admit to having a wee bit of something to warm up at times while I was there because it was a bit chilly and damp at night.

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