Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Spreading the word!

I have been showing off my students' Comic Life projects to various teachers in the building who I think could use the program. The projects aren't perfect but what student work ever is? It was my first time as well as theirs theirs and well worth the effort. A few students did iMovie and that is a different animal. I think more time was necessary for completion since my students didn't know the program to start and neither did I. It is a more difficult program. I was able to learn Comic Life fairly quickly. The Japanese teacher definitely, with Manga being a big theme, liked it. An English teacher with a graphic novel unit in 10th grade was very interested and is considering signing up for the computer carts. I am interested in having some Macs with Comic Life for my use at any time because I can see using Comic Life for lots of different writing projects in Spanish, for the various levels. I am exploring different grant options to snag a few.

1 comment:

Karen said...

What an evangelist! I'd love to be able to see some of the students' projects -- it sounds like it has been quite an exciting learning experience!