Friday, October 26, 2007

Scraps of this and that

The students enjoyed the power point I did for them. At least the sound effects and transitions amused them. I was thinking it was a lot of effort for little return since I would use it only once, but with further reflection I have hit upon ways to use it more than that one time. The presentation introduced the past tense, more specifically the preterit. But I did mix in imperfect and present also. So I can use it when I introduce those topics and when the assignment concerns mixing of tenses. For non grammar freaks SORRY. But I kinda love grammar, which is one of the reasons why I ended up teaching a foreign language.

Reading other blogs, I realize many people have the same frustrations as I do regarding lots of new technology to incorporate, but not lots of time to experiment or learn. There is also a wide variety of tech experience and library knowledge in our group.

I just finished correcting the projects for Spanish 3-the classes were graded using Information Literacy-I feel like most students at that level know what they are doing. Some did not use MLA style to write the bibliography which was a requirement, but most did most of the time. All in all great projects, only one group failed to do anything worthwhile that involved library time.

1 comment:

lyoder said...


Just finished reading through your posts and I have some ideas regarding resources, presentations, etc. I will email you to set up a time to discuss. Sounds like you are doing great- I am so glad you were able to stay in the MILP!
