Monday, October 8, 2007

La quinta-5th

Jamie, the ballroom queen, gave me an extension cord so I am ready to show Spanish DVD's. The problem I was encountering was plugging everything into the cart, the speaker plug was huge.
My students in Spanish 3 are finding the computer useful for isolated word translation, verb conjugation, writing bibliographies for the current project, doing further research, and typing their sentences for their projects. I had always wanted to make my course more academically sound and have the students, especially in level 3, do more of their own research when we do a project and this computer has thus far helped me do that. I do not have to fight for extended computer lab time.
The student who wanted to do the Power Point opted to do something else since I couldn't let her work on the computer all hour. Sharing the computer had to be done when more than one person wanted to use it. Ultimately she decided on another format to present her information that fit the parameters of the project better.
What the next item of business is remains to be seen.......

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