Monday, April 28, 2008

Research Project Calculator

I did finally use this in my Spanish classes. We looked at the RPC and also at the one the U of MN has out there. Kids liked it but not necessarily for my class. But it started me thinking, 'How could I make it work for me?' We don't do heavy research, at least not until more language is learned. So I used the Step 1, 2, 3 , etc approach and the same titles for the steps but changed what is due each day.

For example:
STEP 1) Understand your assignment-By Friday April 11, 2008 Decide if you will work alone or with a partner.
STEP 2) Select and focus topic-By Monday April 14, 2008 Refine your topic, start picking verbs to use. (p.27) Decide if you will use tĂș, Ud. or Uds. REMEMBER YOU MUST BE CONSISTENT!
TEP 3) How are you going to present?-By Monday April 14, 2008 Poster, video, food, props, class participation; What will you need? Make a list.

Well you get the idea. My procrastinators said it helped them get started and keep going. They may not have used it all the way through but it did help in the beginning. I am going to try it again with Spanish 1.

The project was to present to the class a demonstration using command forms and involve the class. There were other parameters and obligatory elements.

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